Water Crisis in India
Water is life. We cannot live without water. It is one of the most serious problems in the world at present. We know there are so many causes of water crisis. They are: Climate change. Natural calamities such as droughts and floods. Increased human consumption. Overuse and wastage of water. A global rise in freshwater demand. Overuse of aquifers and its consequent slow recharge. Summer has just started. Day by day the temperature is rising and water crisis has also surged as well. In many places of India there have water crisis. At first I will talk about water crisis in south India. There is only enough water to fill 23% of the holding capacity in all South India’s reservoirs, The Hindu reported last week based on an analysis of Central Water Commission data. This, according to the analysis, is nice percentage points lower than the rolling decadal average, speaking to the certainty and the magnitude of the impending crisis. South India faced a summertime wate...